Format: 4-round Swiss in one section, open to all those rated under 2200, including out-of-state players. The official US Chess OTB regular ratings are generally used. One half point bye is available if requested before round one.
Time Control: G/100;inc30 (one hundred minutes per player with thirty seconds added for each move). Bring an increment capable digital clock. Some digital clocks are provided at this tournament but please do not always rely on the club to provide a digital clock (boards, pieces, notation sheets, and pens/pencils are provided).
Schedule: On-site registration runs from 9-9:45am. Due to space constraints, registration will be limited to the first 30 players to arrive on-site. The rounds are scheduled for 10am and 4pm each day. Players who have a game go long can request extra time off before the next round.
Entry Fee: $40, $30 for Portland Chess Club members. Pay during on-site registration with cash, check payable to the Portland Chess Club, or PayPal at
Rated: US Chess regular rated. US Chess membership is required and can be purchased during registration. US Chess membership rates/information/benefits. Rose City Chess is currently offering discounted memberships for any player under age 21 at the time of redemption here.
Prizes: $800 based on 30 paid entries (adjusted proportionally if there are a different number of players except $400 is guaranteed). 1st-$202.50, 2nd-$165, 1st U1700-$142.50, 1st U1500-$127.50, 1st U1300-$112.50. Unrated players are eligible for all of the prizes. Prizes are combined and split if there is a tie.
Qualifiers: This tournament is a qualifier for the Oregon Scholastic Chess Federation State Championship
Location: Portland Chess Center, 2025 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR 97232. For driving directions to the club, parking information, and important information on how to get to the club facility in the morning before the mall is open, click here.
Notes: 1) While this tournament is open to scholastic players, it’s only recommended for mature scholastic players who are capable of playing in a serious tournament and against adults. 2) This tournament uses the rules from the 7th edition of the US Chess rulebook. 3) State membership is not required. 4) This tournament is not a qualifier for the Challengers section of the Oregon Closed.