April 2022 Update: At this time, there is no casual or rated chess at the Portland Chess Center on Friday nights. We may resume this in the future when there is a volunteer willing to run it and the mall is open later in the evening as it was before.
Note: The Friday Open Quads (which ended February 14 in favor of allowing the players to choose what format they want) were US Chess and NWSRS rated (although a section might not have been NWSRS rated if there were only adult players) and the Friday Scholastic Quads are only NWSRS rated.
January 3: US Chess, US Chess, NWSRS
January 24: US Chess
January 31: US Chess
February 7: US Chess, NWSRS
February 14: US Chess, NWSRS
February 28: US Chess
March 6: NWSRS